Collection by lizywills41


146 Ideas | Updated 1 hour ago


Customized December Birthstone Jewelry: Enchantment of Turquoise

The month of December symbolizes change, warm reunions during chilly days, and camaraderie. Today, we shall discuss the symbolisms, properties, history, and much more about the "December Birthstone", turquoise. December month has turquoise as its birthstone – the stone with the breathtaking beauty of the sky and the sea. Are you wondering where December got its name from? It gets its name from the Latin word “Decem”, meaning “ten” because back in the day, it used to be the tenth month.

Customized November Birthstone Jewelry: Charm of Citrine

The gemstone designated as the "November Birthstone" is none other than citrine, a gem that radiates the autumnal colors of the November season. The name “November” has been derived from the Latin word “novem”, which means "nine”. This was so because back in the older Roman calendar, November was the ninth month. In the month of November, the ancient Romans celebrated many festivals such as Ludi Plebeii (Plebeian Games), Brumalia (winter solstice festival), and Epulum Jovis (honoring Jupiter).

How To Create a Bezel Setting For A Cabochon Stone

We hope that this step-by-step guide has helped you to set your "Cabochon Stone" in a bezel setting. There are many practical benefits of bezel settings, for instance, it is the most protective setting (which is important in case you have a softer gemstone such as peridot, moonstone, opal, or turquoise), it is beneficial when you want to hide the inclusions on the sides of the gemstones, and it is easier to clean because of its simple design.

Customized August Birthstone Jewelry: Allure of Peridot

The traditional "August Birthstone" is the stunning peridot, a yellowish-green gemstone. Before we jump into discussing this beautiful August birthstone, let us get to know a few things about the month of August. This month was named after a Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar in 8 BC, so as to commemorate his past triumphs during August. Prior to this month being called August, it was named “Sextilis,” which meant sixth, when the month of March began the year.

Customized June Birthstone Jewelry: Overview of Moonstone

In case you are a jewelry retailer, looking for "Customized June Birthstone Jewelry" for your e-commerce store or brick-and-mortar store, then visit the website of Rananjay Exports – India’s top wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer and supplier since 2013. They deal in all types of custom birthstone jewelry and while ordering custom jewelry of your requirement, you are free to choose even the most minute things about the jewelry.

Customized May Birthstone Jewelry: Overview of Emerald

Are you a jewelry retailer, looking for "Customized May Birthstone Jewelry" for your brick-and-mortar store or e-commerce website? If yes, then you can order custom birthstone jewelry from wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturers and suppliers like Rananjay Exports. When you order custom jewelry from them, you get freedom of all sorts – from getting to a particular design and type of jewelry that you want to choosing the base metal and vermeil of your custom-made piece.